Hey, that's gonna be funny and exciting! Your first experience under water is awaiting you. Our friendly and high qualified diving instructors explain you the most important things about scuba diving. And after that we show you the beautyful world under water in our lovely house bay in front of the Diving Center. Just send us a message via Whatsapp or enter your contact details and we get back to you! Or you just visit us at our dive base in Porto Sole Campsite - just a few steps from here!
Welcome to Starfish Diving Center Vrsar

A warm welcome, Diver! Visit our dive base in Porto Sole Campsite just a few steps away from here! On our 24/7 screen you can find out all our planned excursions to the most beautiful dive sites! You would like to do a check dive? No worries, our friendly and high qualified instructors are looking forward to get you back into the water! Leave us a message and we get back to you or drop in during our office hours from 9 - 6 every day!
Send us a message via Whatsapp